My Year with P3R
"With thousands of runners participating in our virtual events this year, I saw firsthand the power of running and community."
With the year coming to an end, I, like many people, approach the upcoming season with gratitude and appreciation as I evaluate the year and my resolutions that I established at the beginning of the year. By December, these resolutions typically feel like they were created much longer than 11 months ago, and I think this sentiment rings even more true this year. While no one can deny that 2020 brought its own unique circumstances, what also reigns absolute is that success, achievement and development are neither stagnant nor linear. Taking these statements into consideration, P3R had an exceptional 2020 thanks to the incredible team, partners and community that we work with and alongside.
As the engine behind Pittsburgh’s greatest races, being a small cog in the machine that is P3R has been extremely rewarding, especially this year. Accomplishments are always satisfying but those that don’t come easy are that much more fulfilling. This year's list of such is extensive for the organization given that we did not execute any in-person races throughout the calendar year. What has been truly inspirational to see is the spirit of running and events continuing to live on even when the traditional systems are not operating as usual. For example, the excitement of the DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend of Events in the City of Pittsburgh is incomparable — 14 neighborhoods showing their spirit across a 26.2 mile course, 30,000+ people crossing the finish line and countless spectators lining the streets can’t be recreated. That same feeling applies to the Fleet Feet Liberty Mile, the Richard S. Caliguiri City of Pittsburgh Great Race, and the EQT Pittsburgh 10 Miler. Without the atmosphere that these live experiences bring, what can (and has to) be harnessed is determination, drive and passion. There was no shortage of this by the Greater Pittsburgh Running Community and our event registrants. It was incredible and truly fulfilling to see from afar — participants tearing through their DIY finish line tapes and committing to living healthy and active lifestyles in the face of adversity. With thousands of runners participating in our virtual events this year, I saw firsthand the power of running and community.
While it is very easy to focus on events and the energy that comes along with crossing the finish line and cementing a new PR, what is just as exciting (and in my opinion even more important) is the number of newcomers to running that we as an organization encountered this year. From working with new communities by generating virtual content to get families moving and inspire the next generation of children thanks to our Kids of STEEL program, to providing support to create a sense of community at 15 local universities, to organically running into new runners while I was out on my own runs. It was energizing to encounter new movers as they engaged in the sport of running. Personally, 2020 has shown me that the greatest asset that I have to invest in others is my time and thanks to P3R and our mission, no time was wasted in 2020 in creating new opportunities, meeting new people and serving others.
In closing, P3R and I are truly humbled to be able to serve you! With optimism we all look forward to the new year, your new goals and new adventures as we set our sights on what 2021 will bring! Keep Moving Pittsburgh!