9 Things All Yinzer Have in Common
I haven’t lived in Southwestern Pennsylvania for more than a decade, but I will always be a Yinzer. When asked where I am from I always say “I live in Little Rock, but I’m from Pittsburgh”. It’s not that I don’t love where I live, it’s that I adore where I am from, especially the Yinzers who make it the best region in the country.
1. We are fluent in Pittsburghese.
We might not use “yinz”, “slippy” or “jumbo” in our everyday vocabulary, but we’ll fight anyone who tries to tell us that they aren’t real words. Or, even worse, anyone who tries to say that a Yinzer speaking in Pittsburghese is uneducated.
2. Accent, what accent?
Every Yinzer knows that we do NOT have an accent, and yet the number of times my hometown has been identified by the way I talk is too high to count. Once, it even happened in Israel!
3. We all know a real-life Pittsburgh Dad.
Don’t know who the Pittsburgh Dad is? It won’t be hard to find him in the Steel City! Ask the next Yinzer you meet to introduce to his Uncle Dave who exemplifies all things Pittsburgh Dad. He may or may not be an actual dad and typically ranges in age from 24-94.
4. We know Pittsburgh is America’s Team.
When Yinzers travel out of state and see someone repping the City of Champions, we won’t hesitate to roll down our windows and yell “Go Steelers!” across a crowded downtown Dallas street. And enough about Dallas already, amiright?
5. We recognize that Pittsburgh is the best city (and we make sure everyone knows it!).
What city is dubbed ‘The City of Bridges’ AND has three professional sports teams that all boast the same, iconic black and gold? That’s right, Pittsburgh! And if we move away, we let everyone know that we are a Yinzer through and through.
6. It’s not a true salad or sandwich unless it’s topped with fries!
Every Yinzer knows that the best chicken and steak salads, not to mention sandwiches, come with fries right on top. We shouldn’t have to ask, it’s non-negotiable.
7. Every single Yinzer is the nicest, hardest working, most generous person you will ever meet.
You’ve heard of Southern hospitality? It’s nothing compared to Yinzer hospitality. We won’t just serve you dinner, we’ll give you the black and gold shirt off our back too – even if you didn’t ask for it.
8. We send any out of towner to Primanti’s in the Strip District.
It wouldn’t be a trip to Pittsburgh without a visit to the most iconic restaurant in the world!
9. We live up to every stereotype and embrace it fully.
We bleed black and gold, save our spots with parking chairs, love hot sausage and pierogies, and gather for every occasion at Eat ‘n Park. No one has more pride in their city quite like a Yinzer!
written by P3Runner, Kristen Lippencott