The Mental Benefits of Being Active
We all know the physcial benefits of being active. Read about the mental benfits of being active from P3R Athlete, Mara.
There are many known physical benefits as to what exercise can do for the mental well-being of an individual! Personally, I struggle a lot with anxiety. When I run my brain goes from being foggy to being clear, because I am taking the time to focus on myself. It is easy to get caught up in comparison with other people, but I think being active helps me focus on being better myself… not being better than the person next to me. Being active is something I have control over, whereas, struggling mentally is something I feel like I have no control over.
Being active also reminds me to STAY IN THE MOMENT. When I do my workout for the day, I am focused on that workout specifically. I feel like as a student-athlete I am constantly wishing for tomorrow, or the end of the week, or the end of a race, or the end of a season because I get so nervous… but what makes the process easier are the workouts. With every new workout, there are new goals or times to achieve… and in that moment it’s about the workout not the race you’re training for months after. Being in the present makes the process more enjoyable, because you’re focusing more on the growth process not the end result. Goals will always change, and they will not be achieved in one night.
The process can be enjoyable as long as you consistently remind yourself that you are doing this for YOU, not your coach, not your family, not your friends… you’re doing this to be a better version of yourself and as long as you hold onto that… being active becomes a journey of you succeeding, while trusting that the setbacks are gonna push you to be something better!
Learn more about Mara and P3R's other NIL Athletes here.