The 3 Best Tips for New Runners
Are you ready to start running? Before you do, make sure you read college runner, Mara Whalen's, top three tips for new runners!
1. Be patient!
When you begin your journey into running, it is important to remain patient. What exactly does patient mean when it comes to running? It means a multitude of things. For instance, remaining patient in the paces you run, remaining patient in the goals you wish to accomplish remaining patient in your mileage, etc. When you start a running journey, it is essential you run at a pace that is comfortable for you. Pushing it too soon may cause injury and unwanted stress on you mentally as well. Not only is keeping the pace slower important for your body, but it is important to your mind as well. If you go too fast, and you feel like you must walk or stop, you’re going to go about your whole day focusing on that one run. Most runners give up because they push too soon and convince themselves that going fast right off the bat is the best thing for you. In addition to this, it is important that your major goal is at the end of a line of short-term goals. The steps you take to get there are essential to your accomplishments. Bigger goals can’t be accomplished in a week’s time, and if they could be everyone would be a professional athlete by now. Finally, mileage needs to start off lower. Running takes a major toll on your body if you don’t do it the right way. Start off the first two weeks with 15 miles as your goal! That means only 3 miles a day and working your way up the ladder. You’ll notice that in two weeks you’ll feel stronger and faster, and you’ll be capable of more than you have ever thought! Always refer to the tortoise and the hare! If you never give up, you’ll achieve goals you never thought were possible.
2. Take it day by day!
From past experiences, I know running may seem more like a chore and something you wish away with time. You spend so much time worried about it hurting or that you won’t reach your expectations; however, you need to take it day by day. As cliche as it sounds, live in the moment. Think about the race or run but don’t let it consume you. You’ll find yourself running more if you let it have a healthy balance in your everyday life. The present moment is a special thing, so focus on one step at a time. If you have a race tomorrow, let your mind focus on today. Don’t worry about the race or run, until it’s about to happen. Once you start, all the nerves will go away. Racing and running teach you the importance of time because so much can happen in a matter of seconds. Don’t wish life away because you want to have a race, run, or workout done and over with, embrace the time and opportunity you have.
3. Recover, recover, recover!
Rest is so essential to reaching your full potential! Many people see it as taking steps backward, but if anything, it is a major step forward. The best athletes to ever step foot on the starting line know the true importance of balance, pushing yourself just enough, and knowing when it is time to allow your body to rest! Use recovery days as an opportunity to do things that make your body feel good! Personally, stretching feels phenomenal for me on recovery days! Sometimes you just need a change of pace, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Use recovery days as an opportunity to grow mentally and make your body feel rejuvenated and healthy again.