
Heart Monitor Math

Running is good for your heart! Let's find out more about our heart rate!

Running is good for your heart! Teach your kids about physical activity and heart rate with Heart Rate Monitor Math!

Step 1: Find your pulse when you are standing still.

  • Determine your resting heart rate. Try your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. Gently press down (not with your thumb though) and feel the beat.
  • Count the beats for 10 seconds.
  • Calculate beats per minute: number of beats in 10 seconds x 6

Step 2: Get moving! How much does your heart rate change?

  • March in place for 30 seconds.
  • Find pulse and count the beats for 15 seconds.
  • Calculate beats per minute: number of beats in 15 seconds x 4

Step 3: Move more! How much does your heart rate change?

  • Run in place for 30 seconds.
  • Find pulse and count the beats for 30 seconds.
  • Calculate beats per minute: number of beats in 30 seconds x 2

Step 4: Talk about it!

  • Which activity gave you the highest heart rate?
  • Why did that activity give you the highest heart rate?
  • Which exercise do you think is best for improving your physical condition?
  • What other exercises would be good for improving your health on a daily basis?