Kids of STEEL Sites

Anyone can start a site, and it’s free to join!

Volunteer coaches will motivate their team to move using the KOS Training Program and support resources. As a part of this award-winning program, participants are encouraged to complete at least 25 training miles in preparation for a family-friendly P3R Event. The program is unique in that an official race provides a tangible goal for kids to work toward to cap off the training season! Kids of STEEL is flexible enough to fit your community’s needs and bring a fun, structured fitness program into a variety of environments. Kids of STEEL is currently being implemented in over 300 sites in the region! You can view a list of them all HERE.

Kids of STEEL can run at P3R family-friendly events! Our biggest event is the Chick-fil-A Pittsburgh Kids Marathon, part of the DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon weekend of events.

How do I start a Kids of STEEL Site?

Check here to see if there is an active KOS Site in your community. If there is not an active Kids of STEEL site in your community, you can take the lead by completing the following interest form, and our youth programming team will follow up with you. 

What if I don’t have a lot of running or coaching experience?

The most important thing you need to have is the passion to inspire the kids in your community to have fun and be active! Our Kids of STEEL team is here to help your training season be a success. All Kids of STEEL coaches will receive a copy of our 100+ page curriculum full of sample practice sessions, games, workouts, training plans, character-building sessions, and more! Check out our Coach Code of Conduct to know what is expected.

What support do the Kids of STEEL programming team provide to sites and coordinators?

The Kids of STEEL team is here to support you every step of the way! We provide:

  • A Kids of STEEL Training guide that includes 30 training sessions, physical activity game library, 5k plan and more
  • Kids of STEEL mileage log
  • Program fliers to share by print, digitally, or on social media
  • Kick-off assemblies
  • Site visits from the KOS programming team to help lead a special practice or family fitness event
  • Exclusive grant opportunities. 
  • An online registration system for coaches to view team rosters
  • FREE Resource library: hosts 70+ fitness games and activities

And to say thank you for being a coach, we offer you:

  • Coach gear
  • Free/Discounted race registrations to P3R events
  • Opportunity to meet 1on1 with the KOS programming team to provide support
  • Access to a coach celebration event
How can the Kids of STEEL program be implemented?

The Kids of STEEL program is flexible to meet the needs of your site! Ways to implement the program include : 

  • School: before or after school program, within a P.E. Class, school-wide initiative, or within an individual classroom
  • Community Organization: Within a partner nonprofit or community program at a weekend or after-school program site 
  • Track & Field or Cross Country Team: additional support to an established program
  • Faith-Based Organization
  • Neighborhood Group

Keep Kids of STEEL Moving!

Support the youngest members of our running community with a gift to Kids of STEEL. Your contribution helps support physical activity and healthy lifestyles, educational programming, free race registrations to those in need, transportation to P3R events, and shoes for children in need of proper footware.
