Kids of STEEL — Towel Challenge
02.21.20Workout, Elementary school age, Middle school age
No Equipment? No Problem! Towel Challenge
Workout the muscles from your shoulders to your toes with just a bath towel and two dishtowels! This cross-training workout will help you get ready for race day (and for waving a Terrible Towel next football season).
You will need:
- 2 dish towels
- 1 bath towel
Start standing in a room with plenty of space to move around. Do the following moves once and then repeat.
- Slowly circle your wrists
- 10 times forward, then 10 times back
- Make big, slow circles with both your arms
- 10 times forward, then 10 times back
- Hop on your right foot for 30 seconds, then switch to your left and repeat!
- Standing on your left foot, stretch your right leg into the air and touch your foot with your left hand, then switch legs and feet! Walk around the room for 30 seconds like the monster Frankenstein
Do the following moves once and then repeat.
- Back Lunges
- Step 1- Start in a standing position, with the dishtowel under the front part of your foot
- Step 2- Slide your right foot back, bending both knees until your right knee is floating just above the ground
- Step 3- Squeeeeeze everything together as you straighten both legs and return to a standing position
- Step 4- Repeat 10 times on each leg, then switch the towel and repeat on the left side
- Single Leg Hamstring Curls
- Step 1- Start by laying down, chin facing up towards the ceiling
- Step 2- Bend both knees in, keeping your feet on the ground. Place a dishtowel under your right foot
- Step 3- Slowly slide out your right foot until your whole leg is straight, then bring it back in to meet your other bent knee
- Step 4- Keep sliding your right foot out 10 times, then switch the towel to your left leg and repeat 10 times
- Mountain Climbers
- Step 1- Place a dish towel under each foot
- Step 2- Put both hands on the ground and push your feet out to a push-up position
- Step 3- Bend your right knee in your chest
- Step 4- Quick as a lightning switch so your left leg comes into your chest!
- Step 5- Keep switching those legs for 30 seconds!
- Knee Tucks
- Step 1- Stay in the same position as your mountain climbers
- Step 2- Squeeze both legs together, and slide both feet into your chest at the same time
- Step 3- Slowly slide both legs back out to a plank at the same time
- Step 4- Keep sliding! Count to 20 out loud
- Toe Curls
- Step 1- Start sitting on the ground, with the bath towel laid out in front of you
- Step 2- Place both feet on top of the towel
- Step 3- Scrunch your toes, so the towel drags close to you
- Step 4- Keep scrunching until the whole towel is curled up in front of you
Do the following moves once and then repeat.
- Starting in a push-up position step your right foot up to the outside of your right hand, Feel the stretch in front of your hip. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to your other leg
- Have a seat on the ground! Reach your arms high over your heads then slowly reach forward, nose to toes. Hold for 30 seconds